
Do you want to find the love of your life but you’re scared, confused, afraid of failure and perplexed about how to succeed?


Well my friend, you have come to the right place!


I am here to partner with you, armed with my coaching tools to inspire you, to dive deep within you, to guide you on your journey to the ultimate relationship with the love of your life!



If you can say yes to any of the following:


I have no idea what I’m looking for

I don’t know where I’m going in life, I should figure that out before dating

I have a history of choosing the wrong people to date, I am better off staying single

I am so tired of dating and the “ghosting” game

I think I will just get a pet, a lot more satisfying than disappointing dates

I am just going to play the field until I figure it out

There are no decent singles out there

I am tired of useless dating advice

I am afraid of getting hurt again, so I will stay single

What – after all these years you want me to date?  How am I suppose to do that?

I am here for you!

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Together, in a partnership, I can help you:

Define who you are and what you want

Learn how to get what you want

Create a customized dating plan

Balance your head with your heart

Use the Law of Attraction

Be ready and available for commitment

Be the “Chooser”

Gain relationship knowledge and skills


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